AI4Copernicus Logo

Reinforcing the AI4EU Platform by
Advancing Earth Observation Intelligence, Innovation and Adoption

Terms of Service
(version 2.0. 23.3.2022)

The AI4Copernicus Open Call Platform is separated in two parts.

The Public Platform allows you to access public content of the Platform without being able to directly interact with it. When registering and logging in, you access the Platform where you can access the whole Contents and use all the Services available.

The Private Platform allows you to access private content of the Platform while being able to directly interact with it.

The purpose of these Terms of Use is to define the terms and conditions of access and use of the AI4Copernicus Open Calls Platform (hereinafter the " Platform").

The use of the Platform is subject to compliance with these Terms of Use, which all users acknowledge that they accept unreservedly by the mere fact of accessing the said Platform. Any user who does not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use must immediately renounce remaining on the Public Platform and immediately cease using it.


  1. The Platform is developed and published by NCSR Demokritos on behalf of the consortium of the AI4Copernicus Project (“the members of the AI4Copernicus Project”, “We”, “Us”). NCSR Demokritos is the coordinator of the AI4Copernicus project and the owner of the Platform. NCSR Demokritos (“NCSR-D”) is located in Athens, GREECE. NCSR-D can be reached at (+30) 210-6503153.
  2. The director of publication is Dr. Vangelis KARKALETSIS (Director of the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR-D, coordinator of the AI4Copernicus) on behalf of the AI4Copernicus Consortium.
  3. The Platform is hosted by NCSR-D, located at the NCSR-D’s Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, P.O. box 60037, 15310, Aghia Paraskevi, ATHENS – GREECE reachable at (+30) 210-6503153.


“Account” is created by the user (either as representing an Organisation, or as an individual) when registering for the first time on the Platform. It consists of the user’s identity (first name, last name, phone and email), the User’s password and consent to the Privacy Notice, Cookie Policy and Terms of Use.

“Anonymous Users” are users of the Platform who are not registered and therefore do only have access to the Public part of the Platform.

“Authenticated Users” are users (representing an organisation or individuals) who are registered into the Platform and therefore have access to the whole Platform Services.

“Content” defines every publication you can make on the Platform including HOME, CALLS, MY PROPOSALS, FAQs, DOCUMENTS, etc.

“Contract” means the Terms of Use acknowledged and accepted by the user during the registration.

“Open Call” consists of the Service through which the user can submit his/her application for his/her participation in the AI4Copernicus Open Calls.

“Consortium” is an explicit definition for industrial users (SMEs) to team-up and collaborate on a specific open call proposal.

“Organization” is a legal entity for which a user decides to create a Platform account with its name, localization, contact point and description of activity.

“Platform” is the AI4Copernicus Open Calls Platform. Everyone can access the Public part of the Platform when not registered. The User can see the content, has access to FAQs, Documents, Calls, but cannot directly interact with it. Once registered, the User can use its Open Call Submission Services.

“Profile” consists of the information the user provides such as an image, the name, the phone number, email, etc.

“Resource” is a proposal submission contribution that the User can publish on the Platform. A “Resource” consists of the Proposal General Information, Consortium, Budget, and the filled proposal template and supplement files.

“Services” are the whole services the User can access through the Platform.


  1. AI4Copernicus project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101016798. AI4Copernicus aims to make the AI4EU AI-on-demand platform the platform of choice for users of Copernicus data along the value chain (scientists, SMEs, non-tech sector). AI4Copernicus will achieve this by exposing AI4EU resources on DIAS (data and information access services) platforms, making it easy to procure computing power and large EO data, as well as to access training material and expertise. AI4Copernicus proposes to reinforce and optimise the AI4EU platform service offering with AI4Copernicus datasets, tools and services relevant to Copernicus data to facilitate the use and uptake of the platform resources in domains of high economic and societal impact, such as in Agriculture, Energy and Security.
  2. The Open Calls Platform is the landing page of the AI4Copernicus Project where the user can log in to access the Open Calls Submission service. It is accessible by any user not registered. Anonymous users can see all of the public platform contents and resources; they have access to: Home, Calls, Documents, and FAQs. Anonymous users cannot directly interact with the platform and are only able to read the content they have access to. Anonymous users do not have access to people’s information, and platform services.

    Through the Public Platform the Anonymous User can register to the platform to access submission tools and the whole Services and Contents.

    Through the Private Platform the Registered User can access private content and services of the Platform while being able to directly interact with it; they have access to: My Proposals, My Profile, etc.


  1. The Platform and its contents are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights which are the ownership of the contributing members of the AI4Copernicus Project.
  2. The reproduction and use of the elements of this Platform (and any information incorporated therein including but not limited to articles, graphic images, photographs, diagrams, ..) are authorised provided that:
    • this reproduction and use are strictly for information, non-commercial purposes within your organisation to enable you to get to know the AI4Copernicus project better; and,
    • all mentions of origin and in particular copyright notices appear on any reproduction; and,
    • the elements and information are not modified in whole or in part and in any way whatsoever; and
    • any other right of reproduction and/or use is expressly prohibited.


  1. The elements of this Platform are provided for general information purposes only and cannot be used as a basis for any transaction.
  2. All or any of the information published on this Platform is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights.
  3. We provide no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the elements and/or information published on this Platform.
  4. We in no way guarantee uninterrupted access to this Platform as well as the security of the Platform and the absence of all viruses or other undesirable hosts (including in the elements of the Platform and in the information incorporated therein).
  5. The use of the elements of the Platform and any information included therein as well as access to this Platform are the sole responsibility of the user. We disclaim liability for any damage whatsoever, including without limitation direct and indirect damage that may result from access to this Platform and the use of all or part of the elements or information contained therein.
  6. NCSR-D, as data host, is not subject to any general obligation to monitor contents hosted or to any general obligation to look for facts and circumstances revealing illegal activities.

We are not obliged to monitor activities and content on the Platform. However We may remove any manifestly illegal content present on the AI4Copernicus Platform as soon as it would have known about it. We and NCSR-D may also communicate those illegal content of the User if asked by the judiciaries or administrative authorities.


This Platform may contain links to third party sites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement of, or guarantee of, the materials on the linked sites. Access to these sites is the sole responsibility of the user.


AI4Copernicus requires certain types of personal data, necessary in order to proceed with your Open Call application. These personal data types are: a) name, b) address (physical address and email), (c) telephone number. Your personal data will be kept strictly during the Open Call term, solely for the purposes of the Open Call and will not be shared with any third party.

For any inquiry regarding your personal data and your related rights, you may contact


If you have submitted a proposal, your project and company-related information need to be stored on our servers until the completion of the AI4Copernicus project, the final review by the European Commission and the payment of the balance to the AI4Copernicus project Beneficiaries, for potential reporting purposes towards the European Commission. After this date, all information will be deleted from our servers but certain meta-data for the proposals will still be part of the statistics of the European Commission.

For any inquiry regarding your proposal-related data and your related rights, you may contact


  1. Any information or request for information that you may send via the email address to which the Platform may provide access, is considered to be non-confidential.
  2. You may also send your information or requests by post to AI4Copernicus PROJECT COORDINATOR VANGELIS KARKALETSIS, NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, P.O. box 60037, 15310, Aghia Paraskevi, ATHENS, GREECE.


  1. We may modify at any time and without prior notice the elements published on this Platform or any information included therein.
  2. We may also amend these Terms at any time and without prior notice.

If you have any questions or comments with respect to the AI4Copernicus Open Calls Platform, or if you are unsure whether your intended use is in line with these Terms of Use, or if you seek permission for a use that does not fall within these Terms of Use, please contact us

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